Promoting Quality of Life for African American Elders
The Seattle Mayor’s Council on African American Elders (MCAAE) is currently seeking candidates to fill eight open positions, beginning in January 2017. The MCAAE promotes quality of life for African American elders throughout the greater Seattle area.
Council members are appointed by Seattle Mayor Ed Murray to serve renewable two-year terms. Council members can reside in Seattle or elsewhere in King County and must be willing to serve without compensation.
“Being a member of the MCAAE was an important and valuable experience,” said George Dicks, former chairperson. “It involved engaging with elders in our communities and advocating for their needs to be addressed in a meaningful way. Anyone with a passion for supporting and involving older adults is urged to consider this important work.”
Seattle Mayor Norman B. Rice (center front) launched the Mayor’s Council on African American Elders in 1995. First generation members included (front row) Rev. Ellis Casson and John Cannon and (back row, left to right) William Harper, Clarence Ticeson, Wilma Harris-Johnson, Freddie Mae Gautier, and Leonard Berry.
The 12-member council makes recommendations to City officials regarding programs and services of benefit to older African Americans. The council periodically conducts public forums on a range of issues impacting older adults, solicits public input, and provides formal and informal comments and recommendations to the Mayor.

George Dicks served on the MCAAE from 2004ā2009 and chaired the council the final two years.
MCAAE members reflect a broad range of professional and community experience and diverse perspectives. To maintain the strength of the council, the Mayor seeks candidates who are active in age-friendly community affairs, have knowledge and/or experience with caregiving, health care, senior housing, legal matters and/or public relations, and have contacts with African American churches in King County.
Council participation requires a significant commitmentāattendance at monthly meetings (currently the third Friday of each month) and participation on at least one subcommittee that may meet monthly. Council members also attend and participate in relevant public meetings and events.
To be considered for appointment to the MCAAE, please send a letter of interest and resume to:
Seattle Human Services Department
Karen Winston, Planner
PO Box 34215
Seattle, Washington 98124-4215
The Murray administration is committed to promoting diversity in the City’s boards and commissions. Women, persons with disabilities, sexual minorities, and persons of color are encouraged to apply.
For more information, visit the MCAAE webpage at and Facebook page at or contact Karen Winston at 206-684-0706 or